
9 tips for maintaining your focus

“When I’m focused, there is not one single thing, person, anything that can stand in my way of me doing something. There is not. If I want something bad enough, I feel I’m gonna get there.”

-Michael Phelps

Learn how to maintain the focus in the present moment and increase productivity or quality in whatever you’re doing. Train efficiently your focus muscle using the following tips:

1. Stop multitasking.

Prioritize your tasks and focus only on one at a time. Write them down, don’t exaggerate with the number, but plan as much as you are able to complete. Track your progress and if at the end of the day you weren’t able to finish everything, analyze the reason why and reprioritize. Focus only on the present task, don’t worry about the next one or the one you’ve already finished.

2. Plan enough time for recovery and rest.

Too much work is always harmful for your mind. It doesn’t only get tired, but the productivity, quality, and joy decrease drastically because of the lack of energy. Nevertheless, if you are able to work a lot without feeling fatigue, and still maintain the focus, continue, but still allow yourself a few breaks to rest and refocus. Meanwhile, do something enjoyable, creative, for example, read a book, go for a walk, eat something pleasing, talk to a friend, etc. During this time, the mind rests efficiently and the sense of refreshment comes back.

3. Practice focused breathing before the task.

It’s always efficient to sit down for a couple of minutes, notice how your mind and body feels, count the breaths in a space of calm and peace, where you exclude all the responsibilities and worries. This brings a sense of focused relaxation which helps you stay aware with whatever you’re doing. Moreover, pay attention to the small details, such as the way you walk, your gestures and body-language. This boosts self-awareness and clarity.

4. Practice meditation regularly.

Make it a habit to meditate every day for 10-15 minutes. Just let the mind rest while focusing on the breath, body sensations or sounds. Let the mind wander while taking short breaks, but make sure, you’re coming back to the focus point. It’s efficient to use apps such as Headspace, to learn the basics and help you meditate efficiently.

5. Go for a light run/walk or exercise in the morning.

Exercise always brings freshness and clarity in the mind. Make sure you plan some time for it! It doesn’t have to be tough, just a light run, an energizing workout or simple stretches and yoga is enough. This helps the blood circulate and in this way, the brain is fresher and makes it easier to maintain the energy throughout the day.

6. Have a good sleep.

By sticking to a proper sleeping schedule you will reduce stress, improve your focus, and aid your productivity. Make it a habit to go to sleep early and wake up early, so you can manage to sleep for 7-8 hours at least. Yes, it’s difficult at first, but it gets easier as you persist with it. If you struggle to fall asleep early, make sure that you spend time wisely before going to bed. Don’t watch the TV for too long, or work, you can finish your tasks in the morning instead. In addition, make sure that you’re relaxing the brain and body before sleep. Take a bath, read a nice book, drink a hot tea or just chat with your family. This helps the mind relax and rest thoroughly during your sleep, so you can be as productive as possible on the day that follows.

7. Eat healthily and prepare snacks.

Admit it, you just can’t give your full attention when your stomach is rumbling. So make sure you plan your meals and snacks properly every day. Likewise, don’t just eat anything you find. You need to start to pay attention to what you fill your stomach with, it all matters! Moreover, make use of multivitamins and supplements to maintain a good health, and don’t forget about veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Try to be creative with your meals every day, and thus you and your stomach will be satisfied, productive and focused.

9. Don’t get caught up with distractions.

Stop and notice the distraction, is it going the way you want it to go? Don’t just avoid the distractions, the mind will tighten up by trying to oppose them. Instead, identify the nature of it. Is it external, internal, positive, or negative? Don’t think too much about it, once you identify the distraction, let it go, and focus on the task at hand.

9. Understand your motivation

Above all, your attitude towards the activity/task matters most. If it’s important to you, then your motivation will drive you to focus and excel. If not, the mind will find storylines to get distracted with, so the time can pass faster. Remind yourself of your motivation every day, and how significant your focus is, for obtaining quality and high performance. If you train this every day, it will get easier to focus during the moments of pressure, overwhelm, or restlessness. And remember that focus is a decision. If it truly matters, you’ll find a way.


I hope these tips have proved to be useful. Remember that what separates good from great in life, business or sports is the ability to focus on the moment. The ones who are the most disciplined and long-term goal oriented will achieve more than someone who suffers from doubt and dwells on the past mistakes. Once you make up your mind on something, go all in with full attention, and never look back.


“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” — Bruce Lee





  1. Pingback: Focus in the present moment (knowledge) - Mental Fitness Tips
  2. Pingback: 6 reasons why waking up early makes you successful - Mental Fitness Tips
  3. I agree with all of these tips! Especially the first two. We cannot constantly be on hustle mode. We need to plan time to rest and rejuvenate so we can be at 100%. Great blog post!

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