
6 reasons why waking up early makes you successful

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.

Did you know that the most successful people in the world have the constructive habit of waking up around 5 AM? The range variates from famous people in history such as Napoleon Bonaparte to successful entrepreneurs like Richard Branson, to Olympic champions such as Michael Phelps, and to Navy Seals like David Goggins. They must do it for a good reason because the benefits from this habit are massive, and the outcomes are shown in their successful achievements.

Early Birds vs Night Owls

You might think and complain that you’re not a “morning person”, and you don’t have what it takes to apply this habit. However, morning and evening people don’t exist! There’re just people who get used to waking up early (maybe a habit unconsciously implemented during the childhood) and people who struggle to do it, just because of their low standards and lack of motivation. Nevertheless, I agree it’s not easy at first, but once you turn it into a usual routine, it starts to flow, and all the discomforts gradually pay off. Finally, I believe that if others manage to wake up early and feel energized and full of life, you can do it too. It takes just a little bit of courage, commitment, and belief, yet it’s a journey worth taking. But first of all, let’s understand the 5 reasons why it’s significant to be an early riser.

6 reasons why waking up early helps you become successful:

1. Better start of the day

A new day means a new opportunity to get better. It’s essential to greet this gift as early as possible. There is no better way to start off your day than to wake up early. In addition, morning is the perfect time to practice gratefulness, meditation and carry out your rituals. A great example of a ” gratefulness ritual” could be Dalai Lama’s:

” Everyday, think as you wake up, ‘today I am fortunate to have woken up, I am alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others, to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings, I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others, I am going to benefit others as much as I can.’ “

2. It increases your productivity and gives you time for self-reflection

Your productivity level relates to your well-being. This is because when you get things done you feel like you’re progressing, and as a result, progress equals happiness. So, when you wake up early and get some extra couple of hours in your pocket, you have enough time to complete the important tasks relating to your goals. There’s always something to do! Moreover, it gives you the essential time for self-reflection, day- planning and goal setting. In this way, you feel more self-aware and distinguish yourself from the vast grumpy majority who are are not. Furthermore, waking up earlier and planning your day is a powerful way to make every day a success!

3. It trains your mental muscle

The first hours of your day (especially a Monday morning) often set the tone and determine the quality of your week and more importantly – life. By waking up earlier, you start to reduce the stress of late rushed mornings. Believe it or not, but this will add a huge extra amount of positivity and mental toughness to your mind. And more importantly, you will start to notice a change in your attitude, discipline, and perception of life.

4. It gives you a sense of accomplishment

Besides everything else, the accomplishment of getting up early, going out into the darkness for a run, and afterward completing your tasks, gives you a guaranteed self-confidence and pride. It makes you feel special in a way, different from the others who sleep in. Therefore, you can start to fulfill your dreams by firstly waking up before the sunrise.

5. It gives you motivation and freshness

Going out running in the dark in complete silence doesn’t only give you a sense of pride, but also refreshment in the body and mind. Likewise, just by thinking of the fact that you’re awake and running while the rest are sleeping will already boost your motivation. In this way, early mornings give you the time to exercise and gain energy for the day. Moreover, you feel a chill and calm mental state because you’re not rushing. As follows, you’re not letting the environment control you but instead, you control your life and your choices. No more whiny thoughts like “I don’t have enough time!”

6.  It leads to a healthier lifestyle

All in all, waking up earlier gives you the opportunity to take care of yourself. This involves more time to exercise, better quality sleep, time for preparing your nutritious meals, quietness, peace, reduced illness, etc. All these benefits essentially result in a possibly longer life. In addition, it’s proven that those who wake up early and efficiently maintain their energy level throughout the day, are more positive, active and lively.

To sum up, all these benefits fuse together and thus your mind starts to feel better and react differently to various things such as academics, sports, problem-solving issues and focus. You end up feeling stronger both physically, mentally, and emotionally, all these resulting in a better version of yourself. So, regardless of who you are, an athlete, an entrepreneur, or just an average person, the effort is definitely worth it!

Finally, these were my 6 reasons and I hope that I convinced you to start this journey! Stay tuned for “7 ways to become an early riser. ” Or meanwhile, see “12 quotes to motivate you to become an early riser”



  1. Hi,
    Very nice article and I also feel this early morning and after morning things. When you wake up early, it gives you a very freshness and supercharged type energy.
    You can do anything by wakeup in early morning.
    If you wakeup late in the morning, it decreases your potential and positivity also. So, early wakeup in the is very helpful to start a great day.
    Thank for the sharing this article!

  2. I was never a morning person and now I am seeing improvements. It is still a struggle but I know in time, will give me my definition of success. I enjoyed reading your article. 🙂

  3. I agree with a lot of the points you made. You also hear that for a lot of successful people one of the things that separate them from others is that they wake up early.

  4. Pingback: Why and how to step out of the comfort zone - Mental Fitness Tips
  5. Great reminders! I used to be an early riser and have seen the benefits of it. Thank you for this article, it reminds me why Inhave to get back into the groove of waking up early.

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