
Managing your state (body language)


“Confidence is not posting endless selfies, or repeatedly protesting how happy or in love we are, it’s a subtle yet noticeable sheen that emanates from our being – our eyes, our words, our body language.”
― Sam Owen,

Your body language shapes who you are. It reflects your inner environment no matter how hard you try to hide it. Therefore, if you are able to change and control your physiology (postures, gestures, and movements), you can easily change how you feel and turn your thoughts in a positive direction.

 A powerful Body language includes:

  • Confident movements and gestures
  • Calm and radiant face expressions
  • Focused eye contact
  • Assertive speech
  • Self -assured tone of voice


Now, get ready for a practical experiment! I know it will look ridiculous, but you must do it in order to make a change!

  1. Firstly, stand up and raise your hands.
  2. Put a large smile on your face, and run or skip around in your room like this. What do you feel besides looking ridiculous? Can you feel an increasing sense of amusement?
  3. Now, sink down your shoulders, walk very slowly and look at the floor. What do you notice now? Can you feel a sense of sadness during and after this exercise, this brings a lousy state, doesn’t it? The experiment vividly emphasizes how the brain is impacted by our physiology and vice versa.

Changing the body language

Next, you are ready to implement empowered gestures that wake you up and bring goosebumps throughout your body, so you can control your state whenever you want!


  • McGregor’s walk beside looking ridiculous, it conveys inner confidence and self-assurance
  • Phelps’s ritual before a swim puts him in the zone, radiating focus and readiness.

Create your own gesture now, try different types and see which works best.

Implement this into your daily routine and whenever you feel lousy, remember to change your physiology. Likewise, pay more attention to how your posture changes whenever you have a negative thought, and immediately take action and correct it.


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