
Managing your state (self-talk)

Once you notice that you’re not feeling the way you’d like to and more negative thoughts take control of your actions, you must notice this and switch to another state right away for avoiding aggravated problems. In order to switch to an optimal state, you need to be able to master the skills mentioned in “Managing your state”. Let’s start changing it by implementing a positive self-talk first.


Interrupt any negative self-talk the instant you notice it and replace it by firing off or calm positive self-talk depending on the emotions you experience. For example, if you’re too bored or relaxed, you can say “ firing up” affirmations like: “I’m strong, I’m fast and I dominate. I control the situation, I never give in and I never give up. I’m powerful, I’m tougher and I take charge. Today, is another opportunity to get better and today I shall be the best version of myself”. Or if you’re nervous, anxious or angry, you can calm it down it by saying: “ I’m cool and relaxed, confident and brave..”

Now, follow the next steps:

  1. Ask yourself: “What would the self-talk of a champion/successful person be?
  2. Think about and prepare 5 empowering affirmations that would work best for you, write them down, and read them aloud every day in the morning or before an important event.
  3. Remember not to use any negations and read them with an assured tone. This would help you boost your confidence and get you in the state.


The following affirmations are typical examples for athletes. Maybe you can get some inspiration form them and write down your own.

  • I vividly see and feel myself performing well.
  • I keep my thoughts simple, positive, and powerful.
  • I have a “can do” attitude when I need it the most.
  • I stay on target and in the moment.
  • I breathe easily and deeply under pressure
  • I do what is hard and stay positive under adversity
  • My butterflies fly in formation.
  • I incorporate fun, play, and humor into my game.
  • I avoid becoming serious, dull, uptight.
  • My energy level stays just right for the situation.
  • I regularly repeat my power phrases with meaning and conviction.

If anger or any other emotions arise, make the decision to not let them control you. Redirect the energy, use them to make you stronger and always remember that only you decide on what to focus on. You decide whether you’ll feed the bad or the good wolf.


“Keep your self-talk positive. Keep your outlook positive. By doing so, you give yourself the best chance to perform well. Take on your inner feelings with courage and determination; and never allow a bad attitude to hold you back from achieving the level of personal success that you’re capable of. Never beat yourself up after a loss-there’s always something positive to be gained, something to be learned, even from a negative situation. Shut down the internal critic”




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