
Setting up goals (methods)

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. “

– Tony Robbins


Now that you gained some basic knowledge about goals in the previous article “Setting up goals”, you’re ready to get started! Here are some simple methods and frameworks to help with setting goals and creating an action plan.

N.B Despite your objectives, it’s always a good idea to complete the S.M.A.R.T analysis.

S.M.A.R.T analysis


Answer to the following 8 questions before starting your plan:

  1. What are the areas in your life you’re not happy about?
  2. What can you do about it?
  3. Is this specific enough? (f.ex don’t write “I want to lose weight”, set the specific amount of kg you’re aiming to lose.)
  4. Is it measurable? Can you easily track your progress?
  5. Is it attainable?  Are you sure it’s realistic to achieve this?
  6. Is it relevant? Does it fit with your values?
  7. Is it time specific? Can you complete this in the given time?
  8. Why do you want this?

Action plan


Now. You are ready to follow the next 10 steps and write them down.

  1. Write down your overall goal (remember to do the S.M.A.R.T analysis beforehand)
  2. List what you want to accomplish over the next 3 years. (It has to be relevant with your overall goal) This will be your long-term goal and remember to give it a completion date.
  3. Think and write at least 3 things you want to achieve within the next year. These will be your short-term goals.
  4. Write down what you can do every month to help you accomplish your short-term goals. These are your monthly goals and give them a completion date as well
  5. Set daily goals that can help you achieve your short term, monthly, long term, and overall goals. Make sure to note them in your calendar or priority list, or hang reminders which can be easily observed. Start the day with a simple question: “What can I do to get better today?” and always remember to strive for the best version of yourself.
  6. Plan to identify, adapt, and overcome complications such as sickness, injuries, and other adversities, because there will always be some unforeseen situations which might interfere with your progress.
  7. Once you have a specific action plan, note your focus areas and tasks in a to-do list.
  8. Pick a time to remind yourself of your long-term goals every day. Revise and analyze your performance goals at the end of each week.
  9. Keep track of your progress, write it down in your success notebook, and reward yourself for the small victories.
  10. Once a goal is achieved, don’t relax. Use this success to boost your confidence and determination to achieve more. Set another target and go for it right away!


Remember that every journey is taken step by step. Set your goals and believe in your ability to accomplish them. Dedicate yourself to higher standards and take action!


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